Welcome to the LightSheer EXPERT Service Center!
Our offer is a response to the widespread interest in the service, diagnosis and reconditioned medical lasers series LightSheer (SC, SP, ST, EP, EC, ET, XC) Provided services are directed primarily to the holders of Series LightSheer laser and to people who want to buy or sell a laser and the need to check for its condition.
Allegro, E-bay and other commercial sites you can find many LightSheer laser at a very high price range . Of course the only determinant of the quality of the product is its price and the business one does anyone gifts. If one LightSheer is cheaper than the other by tens of thousands zł is always behind it a degree of wear and condition of the internal components. For example, replacement of worn hands on the new surgical costs approximately 40-60 thousand PLN , depending on the model and the dollar . The main parameter determining the wear rate is a parameter of headroom and an internal state of the counter nieresetowalnego . Both of these parameters are available only from the service menu . Popular in the U.S. The practice is an internal tunable laser power meter displayed at various auctions. Efficient techniques familiar service menu LightSheer'a can in a few minutes przestroić equipment so that it will show a very good condition, just as we use external meter is to be seen that the laser has half the power. For this reason , appear on the market this brand lasers operating inefficiently or require the introduction of very high energy value (normally not used ) . In this way , customers who have purchased such equipment "super cheap" from rogue suppliers spoil the good name of this laser and its producer and his cabinet .
Our company specializes on the LightSheer laser series. In these devices we repair all types of faults and replace all defective components. All components of the service we take directly from the factory, so we guarantee the quality and reliability of components. For service purposes, we use only the dossiers factory, so that all activities are carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures. Practically, we are able to each series LightSheer laser parameters to restore the brand new equipment.